Monday, July 26, 2010

New helicopter ambulance lands at LCC campus

Caption: A Bell 206 Long Ranger helicopter landed at Laredo Community College’s Allied Health Building parking lot located in the Fort McIntosh Campus on Wednesday, June 21. Crews from Air-Evac Lifeteam showed LCC nursing students ways on how the new air ambulance service helps care and transport patients living in rural areas within Webb County. Pictured, from right to left, Amy Blick, Air-Evac Lifeteam program director, speaks to Minerva Vital, LCC nursing instructor; and LCC nursing pre-grad students Martha Zaragoza and Debra Santos. Looking on, from left to right, both from Air-Evac Lifeteam, Ty Fonte, RN paramedic; and Cris Cisneros, fly medic paramedic. This is the first time the air ambulance has been shown to any Laredo area school.

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