Friday, May 14, 2010

Top Nye readers get bikes

Pictured here left to right, are Hector Cardenas, Fabian Rosales, Moses Nunez, Benjamin Garza, Christa Rosas, Marc Nunez and Elizabeth Hernandez. In the back are Mayor Raul Salinas and Principal Patricia Lanas.

For the second year in a row, City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas has given a donation for students who participate in Nye Elementary School’s Accelerated Reader Program. Students read as many books as they can and at the end of the year, seven bikes are presented to the top seven readers.

This helps the students read more books and, according to third-grade teacher Hilda Castro, it’s another incentive the school uses to motivate the students to read more books.

“I’m proud to do this for the kids, to help encourage them to read, so we can show that Laredo does, in fact, read,” Salinas said. “Remember, readers are leaders.”

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