Friday, May 21, 2010

City recognizes CoOp participants

City of Laredo Mayor Pro Tempore Mike Garza, District I and Deputy City Manager Cynthia Collazo recognized the students who participated in the City of Laredo Co-Op program. Garza, who delivered the keynote address, encouraged the students to never give up, providing his life story as an example of how anyone with enough drive can succeed.

The Co-Op training program partners the City of Laredo with seniors from various local high schools. These students become city employees and the training sites become host to the students. The program is intended to educate the students about real life work environments such as being on time, exposure to municipal government, request in advance for their time off, adhere to rules and policies, and practice proper work attire.

The program runs concurrent with the school year, September through May. The City of Laredo Human Resources Department takes them through a real interview process, hiring procedures, and then assigns the student to best meet the needs of the city department.

This year, students from Nixon High School, Cigarroa High School, Martin High School, and LBJ High School participated in the program, working in the Laredo Public Library, City Secretary’s Office, Employee Wellness, Community Development, Health and various recreation centers for the Parks & Leisure Services Department.

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