Friday, May 28, 2010

AHS teacher loses hair over student success

Agustin Ballesteros, a Social Studies and U.S. history teacher at Alexander High School had a couple of wishes.

The first wish was for a minimum of seven of his students to pass the exit level Social Studies TAKS test with a commended score of 2400 or higher. The second wish was that another ten students score 2300 or higher.

Ballesteros vowed to have his head shaven if his students achieved the benchmarks he set for them. The results of the test revealed that eight students earned a commended 2400+ score and that ten students earned a 2300+ score.

Overall, 98.6 percent of his students passed the TAKS Social Studies exit test. Ballesteros now sports a cool new "victory" haircut.

Agustin Ballesteros is poses for a picture before he gets his head shaved.

Agustin Ballesteros gets grazed by the skilled hand of fellow AHS teacher Joe Lawler. Students from Ballesteros' class also took turns trimming his hair .

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