Wednesday, June 9, 2010

LCC names new administrator to lead center

Miguel Berry hopes to improve the first stop to a student's brighter future as the new coordinator for Laredo Community College's Assessment Center.

Earlier this month, LCC officials named Berry to oversee the center, which administers 11 placement and career exams, including the GED, CLEP, and TCLEOSE.

A native Laredoan, Berry will lead a team of four employees at the Fort McIntosh and South campuses.

"As an administrator, I am honored and look forward to leading this center because we administer some of the most important exams to members of Laredo and surrounding communities," Berry said.

For nearly five years, Berry was the college's Director of Grants and Foundation unit.
Before joining LCC, Berry was a research assistant with the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio and has worked on local projects with the City of Laredo Health Department.

"Research and assessment go hand in hand," Berry said. "My focus has always been in trying to find solutions and help those individuals. As the new center coordinator, this will be a great opportunity to help others seek a better future."

The LCC Assessment Center is comprised of two centers, the main one, located at the Fort McIntosh campus, and a satellite center, located at the South Campus.

Both sites have been approved by the American Council on Education (ACE) as official GED testing sites.

"We basically service all of Webb County and the surrounding areas because we are the only official GED testing center in the region," Berry said. Three other 'addendum,' or approved sites, also service Webb County.

Other tests administered by the LCC Assessment Center include THEA, ACT, CLEP, and TCLEOSE exams.

For testing information, contact the LCC Fort McIntosh Assessment Center at 721-5418.

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