Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Trautmann Elementary School identified by NCEA as higher performing School in 2010

The National Center for Educational Achievement (NCEA), a department of ACT, named UISD’s Trautmann Elementary School in its 2010 NCEA Higher Performing Schools List for Texas.

The list identifies elementary, middle, and high schools that have consistently outperformed their peers that serve similar student populations and recognizes their achievement in bringing more students to college and career readiness than expected.

Schools on the list are identified by one of two measures: academic growth of students at the school and/or absolute achievement of students at the school using the TAKS' Commended Performance level. The measures exemplify not only those schools that are able to improve their student performance from previous years but also those schools that push their students beyond the Met Standard (passing) level - a level that is typically too low to accurately measure student preparedness for postsecondary learning. NCEA's identification of Higher Performing Schools is more selective than the Texas Education Agency's Exemplary or Recognized list and comprises fewer than 10 percent of public schools in the state.

Trautmann Elementary Principal, Cynthia Rodriguez, was elated with the news that her campus had achieved NCEA recognition.

"I’m thankful for the exceptional staff that that I have. Thanks to them we are able to make extraordinary strides with our students," she said.

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