Tuesday, November 9, 2010

UISD readies for fifth annual parent festival

The United Independent School District cordially invites all UISD parents and their children to join them at the fifth annual parent festival set for 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 13, at United High School (main campus), 2811 United Avenue, off of Bob Bullock Loop. The is event aimed at increasing parental involvement, and working together with district administrators and educators, as a crucial component to the academic success of students.

This year's event includes a wide range of sessions for parents that will equip them with knowledge and skills they can use with their child throughout their time in school. These sessions include: Fun with Math, What is Autism?, Homework Helpers, Make and Take Activities for Reading, Internet Safety, Hands-On Grammar and Vocabulary and more. There will also be activity camps available for children of all ages that range from dance, sports, arts and crafts, music, and much more.

Additionally, the event will feature guest speaker Simon Silva, who was a migrant farm worker as a student; and now speaks about those experiences through his popular art and books. His presentation at the festival will be titled "Culture, Creativity, & Art: A Source of Opportunity."

"This event has become a great tradition for UISD," said Superintendent Roberto J. Santos commenting on the many families he sees and at the event year after year. "We hope to see even more mothers, fathers, guardians and students at this year's event. As a unified force, that is our parents/guardians and District educators working together, we can help our students to be even more successful and prepare them for the global society we now live in," he emphasized.

Coordinated through the Office of Federal and State Compensatory Programs, with the assistance of a Districtwide Steering Committee, the Annual Parent Festival will also feature over 65 community organizations who will be on hand to give information on their respective programs and services. There will also be many door prizes given away to event participates. One of the main door prizes includes a laptop computer donated from Safari Kids Rehab.

"Parents involved in the education of their children provide an overall stronger foundation for their student," said Estela De La Garza, UISD parental involvement coordinator. "Our hope is that more parents realize this and make plans to attend this event. The event is also a wonderful way to spend quality time with your children, as well," she continued.

For more information about UISD's fifth annual parent festival, call the Office of Parental Involvement at (956) 473-6452.

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